A bounced email, or bounce, is an email address that has been rejected by the receiving email server.
- Definitive Bounces
- Non-definitive Bounces
- How to View Bounces
- How to Remove an Address from Bounces
- How to Clear Bounces
Definitive Bounces
A definitive bounce, or hard bounce, is an email address that has been rejected by the receiving email server for a permanent reason.
Reasons that an email address hard bounces:
- Email address doesn't exist
- Email is undeliverable
- Misspelled email address
Definitive bounces are added to both your account-level suppression list, Bounces, as well as the JangoMail Global Suppression List.
If you attempt to send a message to an address that's on your account's Bounces and/or the Global Suppression List, JangoMail accepts the message, but doesn't send it.
Hard bounces are a permanent failure and should be removed from your list.
Non-definitive Bounces
A non-definitive bounce, or soft bounce, is an email address that has bounced for a temporary reason.
Reasons that an email address soft bounces:
- Mailbox is full (over quota)
- Server down
- Account is suspended
By default, JangoMail will stop sending to an email address after it has soft bounced a total of 3 times.
You can manually increase or decrease the number of soft bounces allowed for email addresses before JangoMail stops sending. This setting can be changed by going to Settings → Bounce Settings → Bounce Handling → Bounce limit. The limit can be set from 1-9.
How to View Bounces
You can view all bounced email addresses under Reports → Toolbar → Disengagements → Bounces.
Bounces for an individual campaign can be viewed by going to Reports → Open Campaign Dashboard. Find the campaign you would like to view and click on the # under the Bounces column.
How to Remove an Address from Bounces
You can remove an address from Bounces by following the below steps:
- Go to Reports → Toolbar → Disengagements → click on Bounces
- Use the search or filter to find the address you want to remove
- Check the box next to the address you want to remove
- If an address occurs more than once on the bounce list, every occurrence of that address will be deleted even if you only delete a single instance
- Click the DELETE BOUNCES button in the top-right corner
Note: In order to send again to an email address that previously bounced definitively, you must remove the email address from both Bounces and the Global Suppression List.
How to Clear Bounces
In some situations, you may need to clear bounces for an entire list or all bounces at once.
- Go to Settings → Bounce Settings → Clear Bounces
- Use the dropdown to choose to clear: 1) All bounces (on all lists) or 2) specify a specific list
- Choose the Bounce types to clear: 1) All bounces, 2) Non-Definitive, or 3) Definitive
- Use the dropdown to specify a Date range:
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