- Before uploading, make sure the file for your list is any text-based file (CSV or TXT files only).
- Your file name should not include any spaces or special characters. Spaces can be replaced with underscores.
- We recommend the first column of data contain your email addresses.
- Files uploaded may not exceed 50 MB. If you need to upload larger files, please upload your list using FTP.
Create or Update a JangoMail List with Quick Upload
Click to add/drag a file to upload or update a list via Quick Upload. This step will create a new list if the name of your file does not already exist in Lists. If your file name already exists, it will update the existing list. JangoMail will auto-detect the fields of data and import appropriately according to your Import Settings. Once you drag or choose a file, you will get a green confirmation alert in JangoMail letting you know the file was received. If you have notifications enabled, the email manager will receive an email notification that the list file was received and imported.
Create or Update a JangoMail List with Add a List
1. Click the ADD A LIST button.
2. A pop-up will appear to allow you to: 1) choose a list name, 2) specify if this is a "Template list", 3) checkboxes to choose optional default fields for the list, and 4) add additional field names.
You can add fields now or follow the below steps below to import your list file and define fields after you have uploaded your file. For our example, we are creating a list that has the following fields: Emailaddress, Firstname, Lastname, City, State, Zipcode, Age, and DateSubscribed.
In the screenshot below, you will see we checked the boxes for fields "FirstName" and "LastName", and typed in the boxes the names of our additional fields "City", "State", "Zipcode", "Age", and "DateSubscribed".
3. To finish creating the new list, click CREATE LIST.
4. Now that you have created your list, hover over Members in the toolbar and click Import Members.
5. Click to choose a file or drag a file to the import box, or copy and paste data in the second box. Click UPLOAD to import your file or copy/pasted data.
6. After you hit UPLOAD, you will be taken to the Import Settings screen.
Select the boxes to: 1) prevent duplicate email addresses (update existing members), 2) ignore delimiters and upload only email addresses, and 3) change the delimiters for your file if needed. The delimiter settings must match your the delimiters for the file you have imported in order to upload properly.
7. After you have selected your file's Import Settings, click NEXT STEP.
8. If you added fields previously when you created the list, you will see your data mapped to your field names like below:
If you did not previously create fields before uploading your list, the system will find additional fields that do not exist. JangoMail will then create new fields and suggest field names (based on your list headers) that are editable:
9. Once you have confirmed your list data matches properly, or you have created new fields with desired names, click FINISH.
If you have notifications enabled, the email manager will receive an email notification that the list file was received and imported.
Notes on delimiters:
- A “field delimiter” is a character placed within a text file to denote where one column ends and the next begins. The most common delimiters are the comma (a CSV file) and the tab (a tab-delimited TXT file).
- A “record delimiter” indicates when a new record of data begins. This is almost always a Line Break – meaning that each line is a separate record of data.
- A “text qualifier” is how programs denote text field types from numeric ones. If you are unsure of either the record delimiter or text qualifier, leave the defaults unchanged.
***Note: There is a limit of 10,000 lists that can be maintained in your account. If you reach over 10,000 lists, your lists are subject to deletion, beginning with the oldest lists.
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