Welcome to JangoMail! If you are reading this, you more than likely just created an account with us, and are ready to work through the account setup process to ensure you are ready to send at full volumes and with the results you expect. Before focusing on account setup, make sure you click on the activation email that you should have received once signing up. This not only activates your account, but allows you to set a password and grants you access into your email account.
Before you get started with any mass mailing, there are a few "house cleaning" details that we will want to take care of including: Contact Information, CAN-SPAM, Time Zone and most importantly, DNS. Below are instructions and screenshots to help you with these setup details:
Contact Information:
All accounts have 3 different contact information fields- Profile Contact, Organization Contact and Billing Contact. These can all have the same or different information (up to you) but we do need all 3 of the contact forms populated. You can do this by going to Settings > Account > Profile
- The Profile Contact (Email Account Manager) is going to get any message/account related alerts forwarded to them, such as delivery confirmations, list confirmations, message errors, quota updates etc. Basically anything that our system feels you should be alerted of about the account, this contact will receive those alerts.
- The Organization Contact is going to be the "Top Level" contact for the account. The organization contact is not going to receive any system alerts or anything, but if there is ever a dispute or if we are needing to get in contact with someone regarding the account or partnership, this is the contact we will generally reach out to.
- The Billing Contact Should be whoever is in charge of the billing and payments for the account. This contact will receive all invoices, receipts, decline alerts and payment confirmations. Really anything financially related to your account, this will be the contact that receives those alerts.
Next up, you will want to fill out the CAN-SPAM information for your account/messages. The CAN-SPAM is a footer that we will, by law, add to the bottom of every campaign delivery that you send (if you do not add the CAN-SPAM footer to the message yourself), per the CAN-SPAM act of 2003.
The CAN-SPAM is a footer at the bottom of your message that provides organizational information from the sender, such as company name and physical company address, as well as an option to opt-out/unsubscribe from your messages. You can do this by going to Settings > Campaigns Settings > CAN-SPAM
Time Zone:
This setting is pretty self explanatory, but JangoMail has an international customer base in a vast number of different Time Zones. You will want to update your accounts Time Zone to properly reflect the Zone you are working in. Updating your time zone will effect reporting times for your deliveries and will also effect any message scheduling that you may put into place. You can update your accounts Time Zone by going to Settings > Account > Time Zone
DNS Records:
Anytime you are using a third-party source for your email delivery, such as JangoMail, there is an extra step of authentication that needs to take place, in order for your emails to be delivered at a healthy rate. That is where DNS comes in. These records (SPF, DKIM, Custom Tracking Domain and DMARC) will all work together in authenticating and authorizing JangoMails mail servers to deliver the email on behalf of you as a sender. Since the email is coming from your email address, but our sending servers, DNS will work to authenticate that it is in fact you sending the email from our system, as opposed to phishing or spamming. So, these settings are very important for your accounts delivery as a whole.
DNS are records you will want to append to the domain you will use for sending and should be appended wherever your domain is hosted at.
Step 1: Go to Settings > Email Settings > DKIM and add your domain to the 'Create new DKIM using System Key' section and click on 'Create Domain Key'.
Step 2: Using the below DNS setup template, go to your domains hosting site and edit your domains DNS settings accordingly.
DomainKey/DKIM: For ‘host’ enter: jm._domainkey.*yourdomain* Once you have setup this record you will need to enable the key in JangoMail. This is found under Settings --> Email Settings --> DKIM. There you will click the button to enable the key for your domain. SPF Record: For ‘host’ enter: @ The “A” and the “MX” are included here so that you web server and mail server can be can be included. If you already have an SPF record, as stated above, then you simply need to add “include:jangomail.com”. Custom Tracking Domain: For ‘host’ enter: track Once you have created this record, you will need to add it to your JangoMail account. This will be under Settings --> Tracking --> Tracking Domain. There you will add in the tracking domain you have just created. DMARC For ‘host’ enter: _dmarc You can modify your DMARC policy flags (p=) to be either “none”, “quarantine”, or “reject” as you see fit. We recommend using “reject” to show that you do not want to allow fraudulent emails to be accepted.*Kind regards, |
Step 3: Once you have the DNS completed as above on your side, you can now log back into your JangoMail account and ensure that these changes are updated on the JangoMail side as well. You will need to add the tracking domain you just created into your account, and you will also want to enable your domain within your account as well.
- Enable your domain by going to Settings > Email Settings > DKIM > Enable (green button next to your domain). If the DNS records have propagated correctly, then you will see that green enable button turn yellow.
- Add your tracking domain by going to Settings > Tracking > Tracking Domain. In this section, you will want to enter track.*yourdomain* and select 'save tracking domain'.
Once you have everything in this help document completed, then you are ready to send full volume campaigns! If you have not yet already, get in touch with one of our experienced Customer Support agents and we can help to confirm you are good to go and we can help to guide you on the right path for healthy delivery!
Support email: support@us.jangomail.com
Support Phone Number: (888) 465-2646
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