JangoMail Master and Subaccounts allow you to set up and manage multiple user accounts underneath a primary JangoMail account. Each subaccount has a unique username, password, and (optional) FROM domain. All can be managed by the administrator of the master account and each subaccount can be individually managed by a specific user.
The account settings such as header/footer and unsubscribe list can be unique to each subaccount or can use the master account's settings. The master account administrator maintains complete control in setting up and monitoring these parameters for each subaccount.
Once a subaccount is set up, contact lists or database connections, campaigns or transactional sending, files, and reporting can then be maintained separately from other subaccounts. The subaccount can be managed either directly through the subaccount login or through the master account. This simplifies management and organization of multiple email campaigns for various customers, departments, or organizations.
Billing is flexible with this setup. By default, the email usage for all accounts is combined and billed to the master for a reduced per email rate. If you have a need for the subaccounts to be billed separately, this can be requested by contacting Support.
How to Create Subaccounts
*Note: This tutorial assumes you have already been made a Master account by contacting JangoMail's Sales or Support.
- Log into the master account
- Go to Settings → Account → Subaccounts
- Fill out the following information:
- Subaccount username
- Subaccount password
- From-Address domain (optional)
- Time zone
- Enable "Copy my header/footer to this new account" (optional)
- Click Create a New Subaccount
After the subaccount has been created, you can select which settings to enable or disable:
- From Domain
- Click from domain to specify or change default from domain
- Feed Content
- Share campaign templates from the master account
- Locked Content
- This feature allows you to lock specified portions of HTML content in templates shared to subaccounts. To use this feature, you must 1) enable Feed Content and 2) use special HTML in your templates to lock HTML content
- To lock content in Master Account templates as Read-Only, assign one of the following attributes to the section of code you want locked:
- contenteditable="false"
- class="readonly"
- Note: If you would like to lock the From Address/From Domain, contact Support
- Use Master Unsubs
- This feature allows the unsubscribes from the master to be checked against when the subaccount sends messages
- Use Subs Unsubs
- This feature allows the unsubscribes from this subaccount to be checked against when the master account sends messages
To allow the subaccount to function essentially as a separate account, set all settings to NO.
Subaccounts can also be created via JangoMail API. For more information on what is available with the API, visit the API homepage.
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